Michael Summers

University of Maryland, Baltimore County | Baltimore, MD | 2000

Michael Summers Portrait Photo

The official biography below was current at the time of the award. Awardees may choose to provide their latest biographical information on their profile page.

Dr. Summers' research in the area of nuclear magnetic resonance studies of complex bio-systems is at the forefront of biomedical research. Each summer approximately 20 undergraduates work in his laboratory. They are given the same responsibilities as graduate students, completing their own projects and becoming co-authors and first authors in major scientific journals. Dr. Summers also directs the Meyerhoff Graduate Program for high-achieving minority graduate students. The program now includes 26 minority students. To date, more than 100 graduate and undergraduate students' articles have been published by Dr. Summers' mentees. In 1999, nine of Dr. Summers' students, including 7 African Americans, graduated and were admitted to Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. programs at leading universities. The research facility under the direction of Dr. Summers is a national model for producing large numbers of high-achieving African American students in areas of vital importance to the nation. Dr. Summers is presently a member of the faculty of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.