Rudolf Henning

University of South Florida | Tampa, FL | 2003

Rudolf Henning Portrait Photo

The official biography below was current at the time of the award. Awardees may choose to provide their latest biographical information on their profile page.

Dr. Rudolf Henning is a professor of electrical engineering who has developed the "YES-We Care" program to interest, influence, and prepare minority pre-college students for success as engineering students. The program promotes innovative education and mentoring concepts and philosophy at the pre-college level (middle and high school). The 25-week long program includes Saturday morning enrichment sessions, academic reinforcement (engineering, mathematics, science, computers, and technology), and small group instruction and mentoring, all in a friendly, club-like atmosphere.

Henning's activities 'expanding the pool' of diversity began more than 20 years ago. His program includes a reward based system, and supports family participation (parents) in addition to students.